- Last Updated on Monday, 29 December 2014 21:48
Approximately 40,000 Americans die by suicide each year, and the aftermath of grief and bereavement extends much farther, with a conservative estimate of six survivors left behind for every suicide death.
On average, a suicide occurs every 13 minutes in the United States, which translates to at least six new survivors every 13 minutes as well.
To help survivors, Monongahela Valley Hospital will begin a Suicide Bereavement Support Group for anyone who has been touched by suicide. Sessions will start Monday, February 9, 2015, and will meet the second and fourth Mondays through May at 6 p.m. in the hospital's Anthony M. Lombardi Education Conference Center.
The free informal group meetings will be led by staff psychologist Sam Lonich, who has extensive professional experience working with suicide survivors.
Mr. Lonich said that cultural, religious and social taboos surrounding suicide can make the grieving process all the more difficult for these survivors. In addition, the need to rebuild one's life while trying to understand the reasons for the suicide makes bereavement highly stressful after such a loss.
If they wish, attendees will be able to openly share their stories and their feelings with fellow survivors without the pressure or fear of judgment or shame. Support groups can be a helpful resource for guidance, information, and understanding as well as a support in healing.
The last day to register for the sessions is Friday, February 6, 2015. Register by calling Mr. Lonich at 724-268-1144.