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Food & Dining

(BPT) - Nurturing and nourishing a family go hand-in-hand. If you're ready to rally your family around better nutrition, now's the time to get a healthy jump on the new year.

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Your goal - Good nutrition for the entire family

"Making consistently good food choices can set your family on the road to good health," says Marlene Schmidt, registered dietitian for Nestlé's Nutrition, Health and Wellness Center of Excellence. "Besides helping you stay healthy, a nutritious diet can support growth, strengthen immune systems and boost energy levels."

Make good nutrition a family affair: Resolve to make healthy changes together. These tips will start every member of the family on a new course of good nutrition in 2017.

Infant and toddler foods

A lifetime of wellness begins with good eating habits during pregnancy and nutritious choices for your baby. Breast milk is the ideal food for infants. Experts recommend exclusive breastfeeding for your baby's first six months, followed by continued breastfeeding for as long as possible after introduction of first foods.

Your pediatrician can help determine when your baby is ready to try solid foods. Feeding iron-fortified infant cereal is a great way to help meet your baby's iron needs. Add fruits and veggies one at a time, and ensure foods are the right size and texture to match your baby's development, starting with pureed foods and working your way to small, soft bits. Offering a variety of nutritious foods will help your baby experience different tastes and flavors.

Get kids in the kitchen

If you're a parent, you're being watched, so make sure your child sees you eating fruits, vegetables and whole grains - and fewer sugary, fatty or salty foods.

Plan to eat meals together. Shared mealtime is a great chance to reconnect as a family, and to engage your children in fun explorations of what it means to be healthy.

Invite kids to help you grocery shop, plan meals and cook. They'll learn important lifelong skills. One study found that children who help prepare meals eat more vegetables than those who don't participate.

Can't get kids to try new foods? Don't give up. Research shows young children may need to try a new veggie up to 10 times before they learn to like it.

Stock up for teens

Good nutrition is crucial during the teen years, but it can be a challenge. Teenagers are developing their own food preferences.

Make healthy eating easy for them. Stock up on simple, appealing foods - from cut-up fruits and veggies to smoothies, whole grain wraps, soups and sandwiches. For a satisfying and teen-approved beverage that provides a protein punch, opt for chocolate milk, which offers nine essential nutrients, including vitamin D, calcium and potassium.

While their nutritional needs are increasing, teenagers are facing new emotional challenges that can cause them to overeat, skip meals or diet. Watch for unhealthy eating patterns and be sensitive to body-image concerns.

Grow up, not out

By middle age, our metabolism begins to slow. We need fewer calories, but it's hard to break old habits. That's where mindful eating can help.

Set the table, turn off your devices and savor every bite. You'll feel more satisfied after meals and be less tempted to snack. Moderate your alcohol intake, and don't forget your water bottle.

And if your serving sizes have expanded over the years, now's the time to seek some portion pointers, too.

When older, make wiser food choices

Whether from changing tastes, dental problems, medication or illness, people often lose their appetites as they grow older.

But good nutrition remains essential for older adults. And it's never too late to make positive changes.

If you or an older family member can't shop often enough to buy fresh produce, order your groceries online, or buy frozen and canned fruits and vegetables. Read labels to avoid extra sugar or sodium, and remember to drink plenty of water.

If weight loss becomes a problem, consider a liquid supplement or meal replacement beverage for a tasty way to fill nutrient, calorie and protein gaps.

The approach of a new year is a great time to hit the reset button. Resolve to replace old habits with healthier ones in 2017. And do it together.


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