- Last Updated on Sunday, 31 May 2020 00:38
‘Grab and Go’ Lunches Available at Canonsburg Senior Center
The Venetia Senior Center located in The Venetia Community Center at 800 Venetia Rd, Peters Twp, will continue to remain closed until further notice in accordance with Governor Tom Wolf’s latest update on the COVID-19 directives for Pennsylvania.
However, the staff members of the Canonsburg Senior Center, located at 30 E. Pike St, Canonsburg, under the very competent direction of the current president, Walter Conrad, will continue preparing “GRAB AND GO” lunches (Monday through Friday). Anyone over age 60, can pick up their lunches between 11:00 AM and 1:00 PM. Registrations and/or requests should be called in the prior day by 10:00 AM to Brenda, the Center coordinator, which will allow them to prepare the necessary number of meals for the following day. Phone number is 724-745-5443. The suggested donation is $2.
The pick-up procedure will continue to adhere to the current state mandated social distancing guidelines, and only one person will be permitted inside for pick-up at any given time. And a reminder: A MASK MUST BE WORN!!!
Please continue to spread the word about this service which is so very necessary and invaluable to our senior community, especially during this chaotic pandemic.
If you have any questions about the Venetia Senior Center, please contact Sue Goodson at 724-348-7740. (Leave a message when necessary).