Municipal News
- Last Updated on Sunday, 01 September 2019 02:59
By Miranda Startare
Residents in attendance at the August 13 Carroll Township Board of Supervisors Meeting utilized the public forum to inquire about an update on a storm water issue on their properties along Armstrong Drive.
The two property owners at 1336 and 1328 Armstrong Drive had previously registered a complaint about water draining from the roadway onto their properties, causing flooding and damage to their driveways and basements. The township and project manager from Widmer Engineering had assessed the situation, and a roll curb was installed earlier in the summer to direct the water. However, according to the residents, the water issue continues.
The township and engineer have determined that the majority of the water is private property watershed, however, and flooding will likely continues because of topography issues. The township is not legally responsible for private property, as explained by Carroll Township Solicitor Herman Bigi.
Also at the meeting, resident Maya Patch addressed the board about continuing issues on the empty lot on Caroline Avenue that include high grass and weeds and wild animals. According to Mrs. Patch, a neighboring house also has an issue with rats, causing her to have to pay for a pest control company to install traps on her exterior property. The board is aware of the issues and is working to resolve them through fines where applicable.