Home & Garden
- Last Updated on Wednesday, 01 December 2021 22:53
Grace Mitchell, District X Horticulture Chair, presented horticulture tips at the Garden Club Federation of Pennsylvania’s (CGFP) District X recent Board Meeting. She also brought samples of some of the last horticulture of the season from her gardens. The horticulture included Cosmos, Green Envy Zinnias, Hyacinth Bean vines, Cleopatra Cannas, Tropicanna Cannas, red Cleopatra Canna leaves, New Zealand Caster Bean leaves, Giant Caster Bean leaves and Mexican Sun Flowers
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A few of her tips were:
- Use chopsticks from a restaurant to stake small houseplants.
- Give houseplants more light by placing them on a mirror.
- Clean glass vases by filling the vase half full of water and add two denture cleaning tablets.
- Use WD-40 to wipe rust form your tools before storing them for the winter.
- To divide Zebra grass, use a sharp shovel, small backhoe, or better yet, don’t plant it anywhere it will ever need to be divided!
District X encompasses the counties of Washington, Green and Fayette. For information on joining a GCFP garden club in your area, go to www.pagardenclubs.org and click on “Want to join a garden Club”, or call the Headquarters office at 717-737-8219.