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25th Anniversary Cookie Table Event in Jefferson ... -- "Looking for some special treats to celebrate Easter, a family get together, or ..." -- 28 February 2025
Easter ‘Eggstravaganza’ April 12 at Crossroads ... -- "Crossroads Ministries will be holding their annual Easter ..." -- 28 February 2025
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Monongahela Valley Hospital sponsors a variety of informative programs every month. Many of the events are held in the hospital’s Anthony M. Lombardi Education Conference Center (ECC).

Monday, November 4 — Ladies Night Out. Breast Cancer Awareness: What You Need To Know

5:30 p.m., Marilyn’s On Main 30 E. Main Street, Uniontown. This program is designed to provide you with breast cancer awareness. Natalie Furgiuele, M.D., F.A.C.S., will discuss what you need to know about breast cancer. The session will include appetizers and a beverage. To register, call 724-258-1333.

Tuesday, November 5 — Managing Your Diabetes Morning Class (1 of 3)

9 – 11 a.m., ECC. This education program is designed to help you with diabetes self-management. You will learn, “What is diabetes?” Other topics include the importance of controlling your blood sugars, diabetes medications, lifestyle changes, meal planning and methods to reduce your risk of complications. The program is three consecutive Tuesdays. Registration is required at least one week prior to the start date of class by calling 724-258-1483.

Wednesday, November 6 — Managing Your Diabetes Night Class (1 of 3)

6 – 8 p.m., ECC. This education program is designed to help you with diabetes self-management. You will learn, “What is diabetes?” Other topics include the importance of controlling your blood sugars, diabetes medications, lifestyle changes, meal planning and methods to reduce your risk of complications. The program is three consecutive Wednesdays. Registration is required at least one week prior to the start date of class by calling 724-258-1483.

Wednesday, November 6 — Is Weight Loss Surgery Right For You?

6 p.m.,ECC. Bariatric surgery is an option for people who want to lose 100 pounds or more. This free information session is designed to give those individuals struggling with weight loss the facts to choose their best option. To learn if you are a candidate for this surgery, join Hiram Gonzalez, M.D., as he discusses this topic in detail. To register, call 724-258-1333 or visit  

Thursday, November 7 — Advanced Carbohydrate Counting

9 – 11 a.m., ECC. This program is a diabetes self-management class designed to educate you on how to count carbohydrate content in food to improve blood sugar control. Topics include how to track effects of carbohydrates and blood sugar, glycemic index and how to read food nutrition labels. Registration is required at least one week prior to the start of class by calling 724-258-1483.

Thursday, November 7 — Innovations in Medidcine: Non-Surgical Treatments for Low Back Pain

6p.m., ECC. This education program is designed to educate you about non-surgical treatments for low back pain. Anthony Cuneo, M.D., Ph.D., will discuss how low back pain can occur, as well as various non-surgical treatment options. The session will include light refreshments and free parking. To register, visit the program registration page at or call 724-258-1333.

Monday, November 11 and 25 — Suicide Bereavement Support Group

1 – 2:30 p.m., ECC. This support group is a four-month program that meets the second and fourth Mondays of each month. This program is led by a licensed psychologist and is free and open to all those touched by suicide. Registration is required. To register, call 724-678-3601.

Tuesday, November 12 — Managing Your Diabetes Morning Class (2 of 3)

9 – 11 a.m., ECC. This education program is designed to help you with diabetes self-management. You will learn, “What is diabetes?” Other topics include the importance of controlling your blood sugars, diabetes medications, lifestyle changes, meal planning and methods to reduce your risk of complications. The program is three consecutive Tuesdays. Registration is required at least one week prior to the start date of class by calling 724-258-1483.

Tuesday, November 12 — Alzheimer’s Support Group

6 - 8 p.m., ECC. This free support group meets once a month. It is designed to help the families, friends and caregivers of those suffering from Alzheimer’s disease or other forms of dementia. Discussion topics include the challenges of coping with this disorder as well as techniques for managing stress and methods of encouraging social engagement. Reservations are requested by calling 724-258-1333.

Wednesday, November 13 — Managing Your Diabetes Night Class (2 of 3)

6 – 8 p.m., ECC. This education program is designed to help you with diabetes self-management. You will learn, “What is diabetes?” Other topics include the importance of controlling your blood sugars, diabetes medications, lifestyle changes, meal planning and methods to reduce your risk of complications. The program is three consecutive Wednesdays. Registration is required at least one week prior to the start date of class by calling 724-258-1483.

Wednesday, November 13 — Prostate Cancer Support Group

6 – 7 p.m., ECC. All prostate cancer patients, families and caregivers are invited to attend this free support group. For more information, call 724-292-9404.

Monday, November 18 — Weight Control and Wellness Support Group

6 p.m., ECC. The bariatric support group activities are designed to reinforce key principles of success and help participants learn concepts that are sometimes difficult to grasp after bariatric surgery. Professionals such as dietitians, psychologists and fitness instructors may be invited to speak. Other presenters may discuss topics such as grooming, dating and cooking. The sessions are designed to educate, inform and provide a well-rounded foundation of knowledge for long-term success. The ultimate purpose of the support group is to help participants achieve and maintain their goal weights in a way that is as physically and mentally healthy as possible. Registration is recommended, but not necessary. To register, call


Tuesday, November 19 — Managing Your Diabetes Morning Class (3 of 3)

9 – 11 a.m., ECC. This education program is designed to help you with diabetes self-management. You will learn, “What is diabetes?” Other topics include the importance of controlling your blood sugars, diabetes medications, lifestyle changes, meal planning and methods to reduce your risk of complications. The program is three consecutive Tuesdays. Registration is required at least one week prior to the start date of class by calling 724-258-1483.

Wednesday, November 20 — Managing Your Diabetes Night Class (3 of 3)

6 – 8 p.m., ECC. This education program is designed to help you with diabetes self-management. You will learn, “What is diabetes?” Other topics include the importance of controlling your blood sugars, diabetes medications, lifestyle changes, meal planning and methods to reduce your risk of complications. The program is three consecutive Wednesdays. Registration is required at least one week prior to the start date of class by calling 724-258-1483.

Thursday, November 21 and Friday, November 22 — Masquerade Jewelry Sale

7 a.m. - 4 p.m., ECC. Shop at the Masquerade $5 Jewelry Sale sponsored by the Auxiliary of Mon-Vale Health Resources, Inc.  A variety of jewelry items including earrings, chains and bracelets are available for purchase.

Thursday, November 21 — Innovations in Medicine: ABC’s of IBS

6 p.m., ECC. Jungmin Lee, M.D., a physician with the Pittsburgh Gastroenterology Association, will host a free talk titled “The ABC’s of IBS.” Dr. Lee will discuss irritable bowel syndrome, as well as various treatment options. The session will include light refreshments and free parking. To register, call


Monday, November 25 — Annual Light-Up Night

6:30 p.m. Join MVH as we kick-off the holiday season with our 34th Annual Light-Up Night in the Hospital’s Central Plaza. Enjoy entertainment, hot chocolate, Christmas carols, and an opportunity to tell Santa and Mrs. Claus what’s on your Christmas list. Homemade baked goods and raffle tickets for decorative Christmas items will be sold by the Auxiliary of Mon-Vale Health Resources, Inc. in the hospital’s main lobby beginning at 5 p.m.

Tuesday, November 26 — American Heart Association Family and Friends CPR/AED

9 – 11 a.m., Simulation Center. This course is designed for the layperson that has little or no medical training, and is taught by a certified instructor. This course is for people who do not need a certification card for a job. Content includes an orientation to CPR for adult, child, infants, choking and use of an Automated External Defibrillator (AED). Cost of this course is $35 to cover the cost of the book, which includes a class participation card. To register, call 724-258-1333 or visit

Tuesday, November 26 — American Heart Association Heartsaver CPR/AED

4 – 8 p.m., Simulation Center. Adult cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR/AED) classes are offered by Monongahela Valley Hospital. The fee for the class is $50 to cover the class and required materials. To register, call 724-258-1333 or visit


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