Business & Merchant
- Last Updated on Friday, 29 January 2016 01:08
Be the “Pulse” of the Community
As more businesses invest in a community’s culture, the more likely people will invest in the businesses by shopping, dining and supporting community activities.
The Bethel Park Chamber has been actively engaged with business, schools and community activities, and we want to continue to participate in a valuable way. The Bethel Park Chamber is designating February, the month of hearts, as a time to check the ‘PULSE’ of the organization and how it can continue to be a valued community partner.
On February 24, 2016, the Chamber will be hosting a luncheon for people to share their suggestions and comments with them. What can the Chamber do to promote and support the businesses and community? What would add value in attracting new businesses, offer more people employment, and a desire to educate children and live here? Through roundtable discussions, this can be achieved.
Mark your calendars, come to lunch, participate and be the “pulse” of the business and community culture. The luncheon will be held at Level 20 from 12:00-1:30 PM. Go to the chamber website to register at or call 412-595-8361. ConneXions lunches are held monthly.