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(BPT) - The nicer weather and longer days of summer make it the ideal season for moving. In fact, an estimated 17 to 20 million people move during the summer months. While it's exciting to settle into a new home, the logistics and process of moving can feel overwhelming.

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Packing up and moving this summer?

If you're getting ready to pack up and ship out to a new home this summer, follow these tips for an easier move, provided by the experts at Penske Truck Rental:

Prep for packing: Save time by ordering your moving supplies like boxes, labels, bubble wrap and packing tape online. Sometimes you can collect boxes at work or ask your local grocery store if they have any available.

Purge before packing: Less is better when it comes to moving your belongings. It's much easier to throw away, donate, sell or give away items that you don't need than it is to pack them and move them.

Pack smart: Begin with out-of-season and non-essential items. Start early to avoid the stress of last-minute rushing. It's OK to leave a box open; it's much easier to tape a box shut on moving day than it is to pack at the last moment.

Label boxes well: It only takes a moment to label a box, but it can save you hours of frustration later. Start by labeling the room the box belongs in and then add details about contents including warnings such as "fragile." As you load the truck, try to keep boxes from each room grouped together.

Reserve a truck early: Reserve your moving truck two weeks ahead of time. Simply access from your smartphone. To get the right size truck, allow 150 cubic feet of truck space for each fully furnished room.

Transfer services: In addition to changing your address, call service providers and utilities to discontinue cable TV, trash collection, water, gas and electricity. Consider scheduling cut-off for a day or two after you move, just in case there is a delay and you still need those services.

Ready the evening before: Pick up your truck rental the evening before the move to save time on moving day. Penske professionals will get you familiarized with your vehicle and help you verify the best driving directions to your new home.

Start early: By leaving early in the morning, you'll run into less traffic and have extra time to unload at your destination. Take turns driving and take breaks once every two to three hours. Be patient and drive within the speed limits.

Drive wise: Moving trucks are taller, wider and heavier than passenger vehicles. Keep in mind they require more distance to stop. Be aware of low-hanging tree branches and building overhangs. Park only in well-lit areas and keep the rear door padlocked and the passenger compartment doors locked.

Keep important items close: Create a travel bag to keep your phone, paperwork, credit cards, identification, a change of clothes, beverages and snacks close at hand. Have a passenger snap a few photos while you're on the road and when you reach your destination. A move is something to remember, after all.


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